*knock on wood*

Bold, as I may seem right at this moment, knowing that I have and still able to tell alot of my stories with her. But I have been doing this under an anonymous name. Yeah, different people have read my thoughts and shared their comments, and I really have appreciated them so well, but they do not know my real identity and the girl's identity.

In this blogosphere where I am using this name, no one knows my real identity. No one can know if I pass or go.

I have been painstakingly waiting for that day to come. I still have several months to wait.

But what if I die *knock on wood* before that day comes? How can I ever tell her the truth? How can she know what I really feel for her? Can someone send that message for her when the time comes that I cannot?

So let's hope I do not die before that time.


  1. "That day"..

    I hope so too.

  2. @anonymous: thank you for hoping along side with me. well, i just have to keep myself healthy, and try to stay away from danger. :) then after that, hmm well... come what may! lol

  3. thanks for stopping by! had to stop by in return ;p anyways...

    several months will fly by, life goes quickly.
    d-day __ - to that day

  4. @bitterSOOweet: hey hey hey i hope i am not "forcing" you to drop by here in return. i just like reading other people's blogs and leaving comments to them without asking to check out my blog :) but thanks still for dropping by!

    yea, eventhough i know every single night i think of that day, i still should be keeping myself busy to make my life go on unnoticingly quick. :)

  5. hey, Joyce-s here. it's so sweet if that girl ever knew you did this for her.

    as a gentle comment, i think she'll be pretty touched to know this as well. why dont you take initiative to further your actions? (well i havent read the entire blog here so i presume a lil here and there and hereby making a comment. so if i get you wrong, correct me)

    Im sure this girl would at least be touched, by you. no matter how impossible u guys r gonna be together, but love doesnt mean being together. to be fair and square, why dont u let her to have the chance to at least know what this sweet guy is doing over here?

  6. hi joyce! staying up late at night ey? lol :P

    well that's actually the plan - telling her all of these personally. i will fly fifteen hundred miles to their place just to tell her how i feel. pretty much way easier said than done (you can actually check the comments on the previous entry for those little details). well i sure do hope she at least would be touched, but i am not counting on it. and if so, i don't think it will really matter. i just want to get this out of my chest, the way i want to do it.

    hey thanks for dropping by :) i hope you're feeling better now.
